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Skills, Qualities, and Superpowers of Secure Attachment - Lecture + Q&A with Philippe Lewis
Skills, Qualities, and Superpowers of Secure Attachment - Lecture + Q&A with Philippe Lewis
As you explore your journey to Secure, what skills, qualities, and superpowers are you discovering in yourselve and others that you feel express best your inner security? In what ways do you now have more space, resilience, clarity, and insight in your life as you engage with others? What are the superpowers that you are developing as you move from your own particular attachment style into an earned secure attachment? (hint: many of these superpowers were born from your time as an insecure attacher) In this class, we will discover and explore one set of secure attachment qualities, and share with each other the unique ones we have developed on our own journey.
As you explore your journey to Secure, what skills, qualities, and superpowers are you discovering in yourselve and others that you feel express best your inner security? In what ways do you now have more space, resilience, clarity, and insight in your life as you engage with others? What are the superpowers that you are developing as you move from your own particular attachment style into an earned secure attachment? (hint: many of these superpowers were born from your time as an insecure attacher) In this class, we will discover and explore one set of secure attachment qualities, and share with each other the unique ones we have developed on our own journey.
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