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Stress Management: From Dysregulation to Optimum Living with Mike Thomas
Stress Management: From Dysregulation to Optimum Living with Mike Thomas
Did you know that stress is not only a conscious phenomenon? Your autonomic nervous system scans your environment automatically and chooses a mode to function based on what it perceives. This makes everyday experiences appear to come from an unknown cause. Anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, loss of focus, low motivation or energy, poor digestion, tight and/or painful muscles, emotional ups and downs, defensive/aggressive behavior in relationships, and even autoimmune conditions…what do all these have in common? A dysregulated nervous system leaves the mind and body in a survival state that makes all these experiences more likely, and perhaps inevitable eventually. Why? Because our body remembers developmental associations from infancy that set our unconscious mind to perceive threat when there isn’t actually a threat. The result is a chronically stressed nervous system that becomes predisposes to a suboptimal life. You can learn to navigate and “map out” your nervous system experience, and you can change it for the better! Learn all the ways in which you can optimize your life through nervous sys
Did you know that stress is not only a conscious phenomenon? Your autonomic nervous system scans your environment automatically and chooses a mode to function based on what it perceives. This makes everyday experiences appear to come from an unknown cause. Anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, loss of focus, low motivation or energy, poor digestion, tight and/or painful muscles, emotional ups and downs, defensive/aggressive behavior in relationships, and even autoimmune conditions…what do all these have in common? A dysregulated nervous system leaves the mind and body in a survival state that makes all these experiences more likely, and perhaps inevitable eventually. Why? Because our body remembers developmental associations from infancy that set our unconscious mind to perceive threat when there isn’t actually a threat. The result is a chronically stressed nervous system that becomes predisposes to a suboptimal life. You can learn to navigate and “map out” your nervous system experience, and you can change it for the better! Learn all the ways in which you can optimize your life through nervous sys
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