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Rupture & Repair (self-resourcing) with Damien Bohler
How we fight, and how we make up, in relationship is huge.
Ruptures are an inevitable part of the journey to secure. Most couples fight, and most fights originate from protecting our deep wounds and the fears of abandonment that insecure attachment carries. This holds true for both avoidant and anxious types. Whilst the way we fight may differ, the end results are the same.
Fights create a rupture, the rupture hurts, the heart closes, disconnection grows and if we do not take the time to repair, continues to grow.
Repair, however, when approached consciously can make all the difference. The way we repair from a fight is actually more important than the fight itself. Rupture repair is an opportunity to both grow into new capacities and understandings and also heal our attachment system.
Being able to communicate and collaboratively sense-make post-fight allows for this blossoming of awareness, increase in trust and a relationship that is able to grow the roots deep enough to truly thrive.
This workshop will teach authentic relating skills specifically focused at both fighting and repairing in a more elegant form.
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